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ISBN 978 1 910010 17 4
124pp, 238 x 168mm, hardback
Price £15.00

“We’ve deferred the next issue of the quarterly Uniformagazine (no.11) for the moment in order to publish this first Uniformannual.
Tapping into some idea of what an annual might be, or at least look like, it is a hardback with printed paper over boards, and uncoated stock… there are 124 pages printed in black and the folded sections have been notched and glued. The blue ‘cloth’ cover is printed in colour and laminated.”—November 2017

The contributions are from some of the writers, artists, and researchers that we have worked with, or are currently working with, on books and in Uniformagazine. The choice of the content has been ad hoc, offering the possibility to select and gather some extensive idea of subject and association. A selection of sample spreads are shown in the animation above.
John Bevis Little Red Libraries
Peter Blegvad Imagined, Observed, Remembered
Kevin Boniface Yorkshire Posts
Janet Boulton Braque’s Postcards
Angus Carlyle The Downs
J. R. Carpenter Walks from City Bus Routes
Rebecca Chesney Near/Far
Les Coleman Touch
Simon Cutts A History of the Airfields of Lincolnshire
Caitlin DeSilvey Mud
Michael Hampton POV
Matthew Kelly Modernist Dartmoor
Cathy Lane Hearings
Brian Lewis Barnetby–Grimsby, Hull–Spurn Point
Phil Owen Baswn i’n gweld y lle hwn, drwy eich gweledigaeth
Colin Sackett Geeooggrraapphhy
Dawn Scarfe Swell Engine
Tim Staples Chimney Days
Gertrude Stein Geography
Erica Van Horn Michael
Ian Waites Supataps
Nathan Walker Styan
Tom Wilkinson Google Landscapes
Ken Worpole John Berger