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Manifold: publishing 1984–2024

Colin Sackett

“…not just concerned with how reading books is like other things, but also with how other things are like reading books.”

Compiled from a review of forty years of artworks and working files, Manifold examines the various publications and associated works in sequential order. It details and illustrates the ideas and methods that contributed to over one hundred and fifty individual projects, with page plans, annotations, quotations and explanatory texts.

ISBN 978 1 910010 37 2
192pp, 210 x 305mm, high-quality colour digital on uncoated cartridge, perfect bound in board covers with corrugated sleeve
2025, £48.00


A Surrey Naturalist

John Bevis

Eric Parker’s Surrey Naturalist (1952) is the source, chapter by chapter, of the poetry in this new collection: “It occurred to me that this was a promising resource for found poetry. I thought that using those same words, detached from their original context, would allow me to build new meanings from locally-sourced Surrey materials. This would be a way of by-passing the selectiveness of my memories, the bias of my experiences, the taint of hindsight.”

ISBN 978 1 910010 38 9
64pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
April 2025, £12.00
Advance Information (webpage soon)

A–Z / 2011–2025

Click covers for further details

All or nothing and other pages

Michael Gibbs

A survey of the work of Michael Gibbs whose activities included poetry, performance, film, and publishing, and his immersion in what he called “a genuinely ‘underground ’ culture… which owed nothing to the official art establishment ”. As well as visual poetry and texts, the book includes his major study of blank books ‘All or Nothing ’, written in 2005, a selection of critical writing that originally appeared in Kontexts, and Artzien, journals that he edited and published, as well as articles from the photography journal Perspektief, and Art Monthly, for which he wrote a regular column. A chronology of examples of his visual and concrete poems, books and photography is reproduced, along with documentation of performances.

ISBN 978 1 910010 13 6
224pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2016, £16.00

Another Book

Les Coleman

“What to make of this—secret bibliography, quizzical spotter’s guide, collection of poems, twentieth-century type sampler… A picture book—not merely as a series of visual compositions but because only its own paratexts are truly textual—the contents are illustrations, absorbing, not discursive. An art of reading is evoked; the hint of the unprinted pages. Not another book—at this stage, it’s not the same… Not just another book: another book book. L’histoire de l’édition epitomised as lists of editions, found in colophons, all the other data about who, what and where effaced. Drawing attention to how books are rarely and briefly novel or singular: most books are another—edition, impression, reprint or translation; and in their intervals, the history they entered re-edits them.”—Elizabeth James

ISBN 978 1 910010 29 7
112pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2022, £10.00

Anticipatory history

Edited by Caitlin DeSilvey, Simon Naylor & Colin Sackett

In recent years reports of accelerating sea level rise, species extinction, shifting weather patterns, and stressed landscapes have become increasingly common. Although we are well supplied with scientific information about environmental change, we often do not have the cultural resources to respond thoughtfully and to imagine our own futures in a tangibly altered world. This book poses the term ‘anticipatory history’ as a tool to help us connect past, present and future environmental change. Through discussion of a series of topics, a range of leading academics, authors and practitioners consider how the stories we tell about ecological and landscape histories can help shape our perceptions of plausible environmental futures.

ISBN 978 0 9568559 2 3
80pp, 234 x 142, sewn paperback with flaps
2011, £9.00

The Book of the Green Man

Ronald Johnson

Of this lost English nature poem of the 1960s Christopher Middleton wrote: “This is the work of a young poet from Kansas who spent a year in England during 1962-63. It is a remarkable piece of work. The surprise is this: he presents an image of England, or, to be precise, of sundry English scenes, with a vividness and a strangeness beyond the reach of any English poet, and unknown, I venture to say, since the days of Blake, Calvert and Palmer, Ronald Johnson has unearthed an England which most people have forgotten.”
First published in 1967, this new edition has an afterword by Ross Hair.

ISBN 978 1 910010 04 4
96pp, 234 x 142, sewn paperback with flaps
2015, £10.00

Brilliant Absence: Pursuing the Kingfisher in the work of Hans Waanders

Ross Hair

On an October day in 1982 the Dutch artist Hans Waanders witnessed a kingfisher flying across a small pond near the river Maas. This singular moment prompted an extended quest for the elusive bird that persisted for the remaining nineteen years of his life. Waanders’ pursuit of the kingfisher became an expansive endeavour that both adopted and subverted methods of archiving, classification, mapping, and etymology. In a series of thematic essays, Ross Hair examines Waanders’ work in close detail—from the commonality of the kingfisher, to its broader context in art and literature, and the species’ associations with colour and reverie, and time and space.

ISBN 978 1 910010 20 4
160pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2019, £12.00

Coming & Going

Orlando Gough

We’ve all got the idea if not the facts straight about the idiosyncrasies of Brighton, and Orlando Gough’s portrait and memoir of this seaside city seeks to fill in the gaps. Taking the form of short episodes which move back and forth between past and present, his investigation summons up the spirits of the people who have played their parts, both in reality and in fiction. The book disentangles Brighton’s contrasts and connections, the fluctuations between its architectural landscape and the natural world, the variety and complexions of its many sounds and voices.

ISBN 978 1 910010 27 3
128pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2021, £10.00


Nathan Walker

In The First Tigers: The Early History of Rock Climbing in the Lake District (1972) Alan Hankinson describes how it came to be that in 1881 the “father of rock climbing” Walter Parry Haskett Smith first decided to go to the English Lake District; “he plumped for the point on the map where the contour lines lay thickest together”. Condensations is the result of a residency at the Armitt Museum and Library in Ambleside, Cumbria. These slow-collage-word-terrains range language, and are to be read and performed.

ISBN 978 1 910010 14 3
88pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2017, £9.00

Decommissioning the twentieth century

Ben Anderson / Matthew Kelly / Katrina Navickas / Ian Waites

In the decades after 1945, Britain witnessed a dramatic period of technological innovation and expansion. The state transformed the countryside with grids of pylons, huge concrete edifices, and a new era of extraction, while both rural and urban societies and economies adapted to the new cultures of energy, communication and leisure. As these infrastructures—and the lives that inhabited them—are variously abandoned, repurposed or demolished, this book visits four distinct locations to consider how the countryside became modern, what these sites mean now, and how we might remember them.

ISBN 978 1 910010 35 8
100pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2023, £12.00

A Downland Index

Angus Carlyle

A hundred successive slow runs on the chalk downs above Brighton, each written up in a hundred words. “Much of what felt central to this project was captured in its working title, ‘A Slow Runner’—the sense of self-deprecation, the unhurried pace, a literal accounting for physical action. And yet this provisional title, with its emphasis on diarising the moving, breathing body as it runs, eclipsed the significance of the South Downs themselves, location for the eighteen-month exploration of ridges, slopes and clefts, clouds condensing above, winds as force and breath, sun and rain, dawns, dusks and nights that fall, streets and bridges, roads and traffic, cows, bulls, squirrels, bees and birds, crowds outside pubs, walkers, anglers.”

ISBN 978 1 910010 10 5
72pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2016, £9.00

Eye Music: Series & Performance

Janet Boulton

Janet Boulton’s ‘Eye Music’ watercolours began with still lifes of the glass shelves and jam jars installed in her studio window, coupled with the graphic forms of the scores of medieval plainchant. The series has since evolved into complex compositions, which integrate musical motifs with the resonant architectural and sonic spaces of liturgy and ceremony.
This book gathers examples of these series of images and their sources, from the early studio works to those responding to the interiors of ecclesiastical buildings. Included are readings and descriptions of performances and recitals by players and archivists, who have explored the work’s possibility for musical improvisation.

ISBN 978 1 910010 33 4
96pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2022, £14.00

The Gathering Cloud

J. R. Carpenter

The Gathering Cloud collates research into the history and language of meteorology with current thinking about data storage and climate change. Archival material from the Met Office Archive and Library in Exeter has been studied and sifted, along with classical, medieval, and Victorian sources, including, in particular, Luke Howard’s classic essay On the Modifications of Clouds, first published in 1803. This research material is presented as a sequence of texts and images, acting both as a primer to the ideas behind the project and as a document of its movement between formats, from the data centre to the illuminated screen, from the live performance to the printed page.

ISBN 978 1 910010 15 0
112pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2017, £12.00

Imagine, Observe, Remember

Peter Blegvad

“Forty-five years ago, when I began doing comparative drawings of things imagined, observed and remembered. I was an illustrator looking for a story to illustrate. Something with a beginning, middle and end. Imagine, Observe, Remember is what I came up with. It began as a way to think about illustration. It became a way of using illustration to think about imagining, observing and remembering. It’s a kind of phenomenology project, a way to look at different ways of looking and seeing, using the means at my disposal, using myself as subject.”

ISBN 978 1 910010 25 9
252pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2020, £18.00

In the Field: The Art of Field Recording

Cathy Lane & Angus Carlyle

This is a collection of interviews with contemporary sound artists who use field recording in their work. From its early origins in
wildlife sound and in ethnographic research, field recording has expanded over the last few decades into a diverse range of practices which explore and investigate aspects of the lived environment, from the microscopic to the panoramic, through the medium of recorded sound. These conversations explore the fundamental issues that underlie the development of field recording as the core of their activity. Recurring themes include early motivations, aesthetic preferences, the audible presence of the recordist and the nature of the field.

ISBN 978 0 9568559 6 1
240pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2013, £14.00

An Indifference of Birds

Richard Smyth

The story of human history—from a bird’s eye view. History isn’t so much about the passage of time as the study of change—how did we get from then to now, from there to here? To write the history of birds and people, you can look at how they’ve changed us, or you can look at how we’ve changed them. This book seeks to do the second thing; this is a book about our place in their history.

ISBN 978 1 910010 22 8
112pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2020, £12.00

The Keartons: Inventing nature photography

John Bevis

In 1892 Richard and Cherry Kearton took the first ever photograph of a bird’s nest with eggs. Realising the camera’s potential to reveal secrets of the natural world, they resolved to make the best possible records of their discoveries in the habits and behaviour of birds and other creatures. This new and definitive study concerns itself with the lives and partnership of the Keartons, especially their role in the history of nature photography; their attitudes to and interaction with nature; and the status of invention in their work. Reproduced throughout the book are the remarkable photographs that they declared as having been taken ‘direct from nature’.

ISBN 978 1 910010 09 9
192pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2016, £14.00

Kew. Rhone.

Peter Blegvad

Released in 1977 the songs on Kew. Rhone. engaged lyrically with three interrelated themes: Omen (the reading/interpretation of signs), Nomen (the power of names, the pros and cons of identity), and Numen (the spirit in matter, the numinous). This illustrated exegetical memoir likewise engages with those themes in an experimental reading and interpretation, an attempt to name and identify some of Kew. Rhone.’s sources, and to invest the material with something like a ‘spirit’.

ISBN 978 0 9568559 8 5
192pp, 234 x 142, sewn paperback with flaps
2014, £14.00

Landscapes of Detectorists

Edited by Innes M. Keighren & Joanne Norcup

The book offers four distinct geographical readings of Detectorists: Innes M. Keighren attends to the sensory, technological, and emotional interpretation of landscape; Isla Forsyth examines the relationship between objects, memory, and place; the significance of verticality, the aerial, and groundedness is discussed by Andrew Harris; and Joanne Norcup considers the contested interconnections of gender, expertise, and knowledge making. The collection is bookended by reflections on the creative processes and decisions that supported the journey of Detectorists from script to screen: in a foreword written by its writer-director, Mackenzie Crook, and in an afterword written by its originating producer, Adam Tandy.

ISBN 978 1 910010 24 2
112pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2020, £12.00


New & material poems by Simon Cutts

As a visual artist, Simon Cutts is a poet, and as a poet he is a visual artist. This is no glib turn of phrase, but a lived reality insofar as he conceives how one artistic practice can show the ways of opening the other. For some time now he has insisted that the book is not merely (or simply) a vehicle for poetry, but is itself part of a poem’s form. He extends the idea of a poem being a field of dynamic action beyond the boundaries of the page so as to encompass the book as whole. To read Letterpress is to become a participant in its total and encompassing range.

ISBN 978 0 9568559 7 8
128pp, 234 x 142, sewn paperback with flaps
2013, £12.00

Living Locally

Erica Van Horn

Living Locally selects entries from a daily journal written over five years about rural life in and around a farming valley in Tipperary, to the north of the Knockmealdown Mountains. With needle-sharp observation and in plain words, Van Horn makes remarkable what might otherwise have gone unrecorded: the familiarity of neighbours, of animals and of weather, the regularity of the patterns of transaction on roads and in nearby villages and towns, and, from an outsider’s perspective, the unfamiliarity of speech and custom.

ISBN 978 1 910010 02 0
144pp, 234 x 142, sewn paperback with flaps
2014, £12.00

Middlefield: A postwar council estate in time

Ian Waites

In May 1964, Ian Waites’s family moved into a brand new, two-bedroomed council house on the just-completed Middlefield Lane estate in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire. The estate was a typical provincial example of a post-World War Two local authority housing scheme intended to provide new homes for working-class families. It was characterised by modernist ideas in architecture and planning: the houses had Formica kitchen ‘tops’, a TV aerial socket, and a ‘picture-window’, while the estate itself was almost wholly pedestrianised. Ian Waites’s photographs document this world, and his recollective descriptions of the estate during his childhood in the 1960s and ’70s attempt to regain a sense of what it ‘felt like’ to live there back then.

ISBN 978 1 910010 16 7
96pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2017, £12.00

Milk: Through a Glass Darkly

Peter Blegvad

For over fifty years, since he was in his early twenties, Peter Blegvad has been collecting quotations about milk, the primary substance of nutrition and of wonder. All the while his belief in the numinousness of milk has been compounded, that in its opacity and fluid density it is a thing full of both meaning and mystery. Milk: Through a Glass Darkly gathers these quotations into a mosaic, or literary collage, consisting of almost three hundred and fifty separate passages that consider “light, smell, writing, mothers, fathers, colour, nothingness, regression, gender, race, food, cattle, ectoplasm, anti-matter, the moon, sex and insanity amongst other things”. It is, in its enigmatic way, a kind of Lactatus Logico-Philosophicus

ISBN 978 1 910010 36 5
96pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2023, £10.00

Modern Futures

Edited by Hannah Neate & Ruth Craggs

There has been a groundswell of interest in modernist architecture in recent years, particularly buildings from the second half of the twentieth century. Individuals and groups are engaging with modernist environments in the form of popular histories, documentaries and community projects, and digital and social media. Alongside this growing popularity however, many of these buildings are under threat from demolition and regeneration. Modern Futures explores these trends, their connections, and how more popular and creative engagements might be used to inform the uncertain future of modernist architecture.

ISBN 978 1 910010 11 2
144pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2016, £12.00

On Listening

Edited by Angus Carlyle & Cathy Lane

On Listening is a unique collection of forty multi-disciplinary perspectives drawn from anthropology, bioacoustics, geography, literature, community activism, sociology, religion, philosophy, art history, conflict mediation and the sonic arts including music, ethnomusicology and field recording. These specially commissioned contributions explore the many ways in which skilled listening can mediate new relationships with our physical environment and the people and other species that we share it with.

ISBN 978 1 910010 01 3
200pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2013, £14.00

One hundred objects in the Frick Art Reference Library

Edited by Stephen J. Bury

The Frick Art Reference Library, founded by Helen Clay Frick, has been part of the international infrastructure of art history since its inception. It has always been innovative—with its photographic field trips, periodical indexing, involvement in the founding of the international photo archive consortium, PHAROS, web archiving, and digital art history. The library is looking back at its work over the last hundred years through one hundred objects, not just from its extensive collections of books, auction catalogs, photographs and archives, but through its spaces, artworks and the traces of some of its actors: Helen Clay Frick herself obviously, but also her French agent Madame Brière, and librarians such as Pauline Wells or Doriece Colle.

ISBN 978 1 910010 28 0
240pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2022, £16.00

Printed landscape

Colin Sackett

“No ideas but in ink…”
This new collection has been selected from a miscellany of work published since the early 1990s, reformatted and arranged alphabetically. The subjects are commonly about geography, its interpretation and abstraction on the printed page. The locations are often places of familiarity and association, from across southern England, while the book has to do with making connections between its modalities. As with places, or types of places—its subject as such—the reading is intendedly multi-directional.

ISBN 978 1 910010 19 8
112pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2019, £12.00

Reading (Story of) O

Emmanuelle Waeckerlé

The famous erotic novel was first published in French in 1954, and the official English translation appeared in 1965. Fifty years later Reading (Story of) O reprints, in parallel, English and French versions in a graphic reworking of the original story. In doing so Emmanuelle Waeckerlé attempts to navigate a passage through this difficult literary work and its notorious yet little known history. She offers a few simple strategies and choices for reading—alone or with others, in private or to an audience.

ISBN 978 1 910010 07 5
208pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2015, £12.00

The Regional Book

David Matless

“Force yourself to see more flatly.”—Georges Perec, Species of Spaces
The Regional Book examines, in descriptions of forty-four locations, the Broads’ varied constitution: nature reserves, towns, riversides, marshes, seasides, waterways broad and narrow, broads landlocked and connected. The writing rubs against conventional forms of attention and styles of seeing, creating inventories that encompass fact, digression, memory and reverie. If Broadland is a flat landscape, with few rises, it remains possible to see more flatly.

ISBN 978 1 910010 05 1
64pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2015, £9.00

Round About Town

Kevin Boniface

For the last eight years Kevin Boniface has been writing succinct descriptions of events and incidents that have taken place whilst out and about on his postal round, his daily route taking him from the main sorting office to the streets and outlying neighbourhoods above the town. In these commentaries and records nothing seems to be typical—engaged and disconnected conversations, the observed and the overheard—the everyday activity of life on the move.

ISBN 978 1 910010 18 1
128pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2018, £12.00

The Small Press Model

Simon Cutts

This collection of writings attempts to group together approaches to the physicality of the book, learned from its beginnings as small press activity. A reductive instinct formed from those earlier editorial principles of small press work can be applied to all products of the imagination, especially the plastic arts. A synthesis of attitudes, developed from the aesthetics and economics of invention and problem solving, informs the formal making of all things.

ISBN 978 1 910010 34 1
160pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2023, £14.00

Sonorama: Listening to the view from the train

Claudia Molitor

Located on the train journey between London St Pancras and Margate, ‘Sonorama’ is an audio work by composer Claudia Molitor that offers sounds and voices for the otherwise silent view from the train. The work is downloadable as an app for listening with headphones, and the book is a companion to the audio experience. It reproduces the complete graphic score of Molitor’s interpretation of the journey, locating the thinking behind the composition and the selection of material. With contributions by David Hendy, Charlotte Higgins, Graham McKenzie, Evan Parker, Irene Revell.

ISBN 978 1 910010 03 7
88pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2015, £12.00

Sound arts now

Cathy Lane & Angus Carlyle

In Sound arts now, Cathy Lane and Angus Carlyle explore contemporary artistic practices and theories, and what contributes to or hinders artistic and career development. This is conducted through a series of interviews with artists and curators, putting the often-unheard voice of the maker at the centre of the discourse. While not claiming to be a definitive survey, the book broadens and destabilises what we have come to understand as sound arts, offering new and different pathways, frames of reference, and modes of thinking.

ISBN 978 1 910010 26 6
240pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2021, £14.00

Suburban Herbarium

William Arnold

This collection of plant portraits is not bounded by an ecologist’s quadrat, but by what has been gathered during the length of a regular lunchtime walk. The one hundred photographic specimens form a homage to Victorian botany from “the rear-garden cut-through, waste-ground, marshes and still rural in character back-lanes of the City of Truro’s rural-urban fringe”.
With a foreword by Mark Cocker, and an essay by Val Williams placing the work within the historical context of botanical photography.

ISBN 978 1 910010 23 5
128pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2020, £14.00

A Surrey Naturalist

John Bevis

Eric Parker’s Surrey Naturalist (1952) is the source, chapter by chapter, of the poetry in this new collection: “It occurred to me that this was a promising resource for found poetry. I thought that using those same words, detached from their original context, would allow me to build new meanings from locally-sourced Surrey materials. This would be a way of by-passing the selectiveness of my memories, the bias of my experiences, the taint of hindsight.”

ISBN 978 1 910010 38 9
64pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
April 2025, £12.00
Advance Information (webpage soon)

Tender Buttons

Gertrude Stein

A century after Gertrude Stein wrote Tender Buttons the text has been newly formatted, with a view to it being more sympathetically read as prose poetry, in contrast to the original setting of the 1914 edition and the various subsequent editions. Here it becomes evident that in her plastic, collagist use of language Stein was arguing for a purist shaking off of redundant associations and judgements into a thing free of cliché or manipulation. Funny, poetic and multifaceted, this is a text to read in and around, the sense arriving on a wave of rhythm, sound, and harmony.

ISBN 978 0 9568559 4 7
80pp, 234 x 142, sewn paperback with flaps
2012, £9.00

Unshelfmarked: Reconceiving the artists’ book

Michael Hampton

“Post-Deweyed, these works form an entirely new corpus, showcasing the artists’ book not as a by-product of the book per se, but both its antecedent and post-digital flowering, many salient twentieth-century features proleptically flickering here and there through time, its epigenetic influence finally come to permeate mainstream book design everywhere; the manifold traits and studio processes inherent to the artists’ book bursting from their stitched sheath, cheerfully pollinating the whole gamut of reading impedimenta and spaces.”

ISBN 978 1 910010 06 8
176pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2015, £12.00

Visible mending: Everyday repairs in the South West

Steven Bond, Caitlin DeSilvey & James R. Ryan

In September 2010 a team of three researchers—two cultural geographers and a photographer—set out to find and visit workplaces in the South West where people repair broken things. Notebooks and cameras were the project tools, and these tools produced an extensive archive of texts and images, a selection of which are printed in this book, the culmination of eighteen months of fieldwork.
The project was inspired by an attraction to the aesthetics of these workplaces, but also by an interest in what the practices of fixing, mending, repair and renewal could reveal about the way people value things, and each other.

ISBN 978 0 9568559 9 2
160pp, 234 x 142, sewn paperback with flaps
2013, £14.00

Vision and Reality

Stephen Willats

This book presents a wide selection of interviews and photographs from the collaborations between Willats and residents in the many housing estate projects he makes. The first-hand observations and individual opinions, from the past four decades, record a variety of attitudes and perceptions towards the physical reality of their surroundings. Created outside of the norms and conventions of an object-based art world, the projects in this book, mainly on estates in and around London, but also in Bath, Leeds, Milton Keynes and Oxford, highlight the realities of everyday life in both tower blocks and low-rise planned housing.

ISBN 978 1 910010 08 2
288pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2016, £18.00

Wild Dress: Clothing & the natural world

Kate Fletcher

In this collection of writings, Kate Fletcher explores relationships between garments and human embeddedness in nature. Going beyond the idea that nature is a means to human ends, Wild Dress documents how we wear clothes in ways that add weight to and awareness of the natural world. Includes fifteen colour photographs of Macclesfield Forest and the Goyt Valley in the Peak District and Garsdale in the Yorkshire Dales by Charlie Meecham.

ISBN 978 1 910010 21 1
96pp, 234 x 142, paperback with flaps
2019, £9.00


Colin Sackett

rereader, essayes, domestics, onsixpagestoday, etc.

The separate sections of this book were written during the twenty years up until 2011; the allotted prose parts are now butted together to make a consecutive set. The process of writing was variously prescriptive and artificial: transcription from manuscript or speech, via word processing and assembly, to the final format of a single leaflet or booklet. Subsequently, most have been published again, reformatted as ‘online texts’, where in each case what was a paged sequence has become a scrollable depth—a vertical and bottomless page.

ISBN 978 0 9568559 3 0
64pp, 234 x 142, sewn paperback with flaps
2011, £9.00

Also available from Uniformbooks


The printed quarterly Uniformagazine ran to ten issues, from 2014 to 2017, gathering contributions by the writers and artists that we work with, sometimes thematically, as well as slighter or singular content.

ISSN 2056-6301
32pp, 215 x 145mm
£4.00 each



“Tapping into some idea of what an annual might be, or at least look like, it is a hardback with printed paper over boards, and uncoated stock… there are 124 pages printed in black and the folded sections have been notched and glued. The blue ‘cloth’ cover is printed in colour and laminated.”

ISBN 978 1 910010 17 4
124pp, 238 x 168, hardback
2017, published £15.00, now reduced to £10.00


It has been over five years since the last issue of the quarterly Uniformagazine and what became the final number, printed in black and custard yellow and dated summer 2017. The Uniformannual appeared later that year, a one-off effort in hardback, it adopted the idiom of the Christmas book and was an ad hoc anthology of some two dozen contributions. But the magazine never regained its regular momentum, and was considered done—demonstrating its possibility with just ten issues, the particular variety digested by its several hundred readers. We are now selling off the limited remaining stock at half-price, postage free in the UK.

Playing with words: The spoken word in artistic practice

Edited by Cathy Lane

A collection of responses from over 40 leading contemporary composers and artists who were invited to represent aspects of their creative practice with words, and in particular, the spoken word, for the printed page. The book concentrates on the kinds of creative play to be found in different sound based genres such as electroacoustic music composition, text sound composition, and sound poetry while reflecting artistic practices in disciplines of such as digital arts, electronic, concrete and experimental poetry, performance art and fine art. The contributors have chosen to represent their work in a variety of different ways which include writing, graphics, poetry, photographs and through interview.

ISBN 978 1 910010 30 3
208pp, 234 x 156, paperback
First published RGAP 2008, Uniformbooks edition 2015, £30.00

The Complete Guide to Lyme Regis

This alphabetical guide is intended for the general, inquisitive visitor—both as a practical directory of what the area has to offer, and to make available straightforward background information on the unique variety of natural and human history that is here.

“Is there another guide like it anywhere—as thoughtful, of such wide appeal, without a jarring thought or sentence? It is a model production in every sense... it suggests how to enjoy a place without destroying it in the process, assumes a programme for sustainable tourism that is as much an attitude of mind as a set code of practice.” J. C. C. Mays

ISBN 978 0 9568559 5 4
64pp, 234 x 142, sewn paperback
3rd final edition 2012, £4.50

River Axe Crossings: A visual survey along the course of the river

Colin Sackett

The River Axe flows through Dorset, Somerset and Devon, rising near Beaminster, flowing west then south by Axminster and joining the English Channel at Axmouth near Seaton. Taken during the period November 2007 to March 2008, the photographs look directly upstream and downstream from the centre of each of all the forty-one extant crossings, ranging variously from plain wooden beam, to stone arch, to concrete road bridge. From the front of the book the right-hand page sequence shows the direction from mouth to source, while from the back the left-hand sequence is downstream with the river's flow.

ISBN 978 0 9537048 8 0
96pp, 147 x 218, paperback
2008, £7.95

The True Line: The Landscape Diagrams of Geoffrey Hutchings

Colin Sackett

I first saw these printed diagrams and drawings over thirty years ago, and the particular care and certainty they convey has remained with me since. Hutchings published just a handful of books, all addressing the search for geographical and topographical truths, and for the ways of recording and depicting these truths precisely and economically by the handwritten word and line. In addition to his contribution to the development of the teaching of field studies in Britain in the late 1940s, with its emphasis on the direct observation and interpretation of landscape, he achieved a masterly ability to ‘read’ and transcribe a place in a graphic composition—be it a sketch-map or a plan, a tabular profile or a section, or an annotated panoramic drawing. In all of these compositions he integrated line and text in a perfect balance of brevity and detail.

ISBN 978 0 9537048 5 9
40pp, 210 x 140, sewn paperback with flaps
2006, £9.00



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